Silicon Valley's Polish Festival




Sunday, September 15, 2019

10 am – Festival Opens 


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. 45 – 12.15 – Gipsy Stars

12.30 – 12.50 – Ania Mia Vocal Group

1.00 – 1.15 – Łowiczanie (Adults’ Folk Ensemble)

1.30 – 1.45 – Sokoły (Childrens’ Folk Ensemble)                    

1.50 – 2.20 – Gipsy Stars

2.30 – 2.45 – Łowiczanie (Adults’ Folk Ensemble)

3.00 – 3.15 – Sokoły (Childrens’ Folk Ensemble)                    

3.30 – 3.45 – Łowiczanie (Adults’ Folk Ensemble)

3.50 – 4.10 – Ania Mia Vocal Group

4:15 – 4.45 – Gypsy Stars

4.45  – Main Raffle Drawing

5.00 Festival Closes

Polish Music by DJ During the Entire Festival !!!

A huge THANK YOU to the organizing committee, performers,

and volunteers who donated their time and energy.

We would not be here without them.

To our sponsors THANK YOU for Your support and generosity.

Most of all THANK YOU for coming and supporting our event.